Thursday, July 26, 2012

Banners Away!

Welcome to the Design Team Blog Hop! If you've come to my blog by chance, HELLO! To start the entire show over, go visit my friend Amber's blog Be sure to comment on each for a chance to win a great prize from! Don't be shy....comment away and while you are at it, why not follow some (or all)!!

We were charged with coming up with a banner project to wow the socks off of you and I hope mine does just that. I love how it turned out! I've never thought about a banner on a page, but they are quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in scrapbooking these days, so it was about darn time I jumped on that bandwagon!

The first thing I usually do is dig through my paper and figure out which to use. I start by looking at the pictures I'll be working with, grab several packs of paper and lay them all out. Step back and give the "yay" or "nay." I also try to think of what other stuff I have that will go with it......buttons, brads, twine, ribbon, shapes, accent colors, etc.

Once I've picked just the right paper and embellishments, I start to work on the layout. Lately I've been grabbing a sketch I like and working with it to make it fit. The sketch I used was found on Pinterest (my other addiction) and it comes from pagemaps. The thing with sketches is that it's a guide. You can follow it to a tee, or use emelemts from it, rotate photos as needed, change patterns, sizes, it's all up to's not written in stone!

The paper I chose is My Minds Eye (MME) Good Day Sunshine Girl paper, some bazzill, some twine and some buttons I had on hand. The title is stamped with some Lisa Bearnson stamps I received EONS ago, but just re-discovered. I had found this poem quite a while ago, not sure where so I apologize I am unable to give credit for it.

The flower banner was cut using the Slice Spring card. They were cut at 1". Having never done a banner before I was a little befuddled as to how to actually attach them to the twine. So I wrapped the twine around the post of the brad, secured it to the page, pulled the twine to the other side and placed it in the approximate "swag" I wanted, then attached the other side. I adhered the buttons to the flowers, used ZOTS to stick the whole kit and caboodle down right on top of the twine. The adhesive on the flowers, held the twine in place while holding the flowers in place! Genious!

Stamped my title, printed my poem on cardstock and secured it all down. One last plug I need to make is to my friend Dee Dee at for the beautiful butterflies I used! Love them!

Hoping you liked my project, leave a comment if you did.....oh, heck, leave a comment anyway! :o)

Next I send you to my fellow DT member Michele

don't forget to check out for great deals on scrappy goodness!

Anyway, thanks for the visit, ya'll come back now ya hear??

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ombre'.....who knew?!?

So our first DT assignment was "ombre." HUH?? WHA??? I won't lie, I had to look it up! So I decided to spray my way to success! LOL

Finished Project (above)

"bling" element!

sprayed some VERY red felt letters to make them the right color for my layout

my angel friends.....Tuscan Sun, Tattered Leather and Brick

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another For Those Left Behind Blog Hop Challenge entry!

This is for challenge #9 (I think that's the right number), needed to include a pinwheel. I used BG Sugar Rush paper and brad, the stamp is SU. Thanks!! :o)

For Those Left Behind Blog Hop Challenge entries!

This card is for challenge #1, #2 and #6. Spring, 30 minutes and journaling block! The paper line is EP Springtime, I used some MM flowers I received in a hot chocolate and some stickles which are non-cc. Thanks for the challenge!

{BYSHC} Sketch 55 - Christmas Joy

  {BYSHC} Sketch 55 is in full swing! You have until the end of the month to enter a card (or two) for a chance to be the winner of a gift ...