Sunday, October 28, 2012

October DT Challenge - Candy Inspired Treat Bucket

When I was a kid, my brother and I would empty our trick-or-treat sacks after returning home on Halloween, we'd divide up our candy into a "keep" pile, into a "give to mom" pile and a "trade" pile.  The stuff that went to mom and dad were things we just didn't like....those black and orange wax paper wrapped peanut butter things.....and the candy corn (no offense to those who love those)!  We'd trade each other for things we each liked.  I'd trade him my grape and orange tootsie roll pops for the chocolate and raspberry ones.  

When I found out the next DT project was based on my favorite candy, I had a hard time trying to decide which was actually my FAVORITE.  There are so MANY favorites!!  Snickers, Sour Patch kids, dark chocolate ANYTHING!  Then there is the Christmas know the ones that seem to surface ONLY during the holidays.....chocolate covered cherries, Ferrero Rocher, but I've gone off track.

What is better than FAVORITE candy?  ALL THE CANDY!!  A treat bucket to hold ALL of my favorites is what I chose to make!

Started with a plain, silver metal beverage bucket that I purchased at a local craft store. 

I spray painted it black, which in the Florida heat and humidity took quite a while to dry enough to move on the the next step.

I cut the letters from Cricut Plantain Schoolbook cart at 2 1/4"  I used the black and white sticky vinyl stuff we all got in HC quite a while back.  I had no idea what it was or who the manufacturer is, but Jon we need more of this stuff!  It worked great!

Cut multiple different types, colors, textures of ribbon.  They ranged from 6-7" in length and were just tied onto the handles.

Then Anna and I made the pumpkin patch!  I had just recently seen a picture of something similar in CK magazine and knew it would be perfect.  The buttons are from the FP Oct 31 collection and the green ribbon I think is Giggle Kids Boy Trims, but I'm not certain. (pix 4)

Glue dot on the top of the button, fold over the ribbon to look like a stem and viola!  Instant pumpkin patch. 

Glue everything on and your done!  Painting the bucket and waiting for it to dry was the longest part of the process!

Don't forget to fill it with your favorites!!

CC product:  FP Oct 31 buttons and trims, MM cheeky trims, BG ribbon, Giggle Kids Boy Trims, MM Toil and Trouble trims

Non CC product:  tin bucket, black spray paint, random other ribbons.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog Winner!!

Ok, the moment you've all been waiting for!!  Well, ok, maybe not, but here is the super secret way we picked the winner!  My lovely assistant and I took all the names who posted an entry on Mr. Linky, placed them into a bowl and drew a name!


Thanks everyone for linking up your beautiful cards!  I know the troops will truly enjoy and be so happy with the results!!

Ruth, send me a message either on or by email and we'll get your prize going!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

OWH - 4th Challenge (Julie)

The sketch for this challenge was great! very versatile, could be turned several ways!  Wish I had more time to make more.  Will keep this sketch for more at another time!

Off to the next blog!  

OWH - 3rd Blog (Brenna)

For this blog's challenge the requirement was subtle dimension......I used a few brads, some ribbon and some embossing powder.  Wish I had more time to make more of these!!

Next! :o)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

OWH - 2nd challenge (Michele)

Hello again!!  Here are some cards I made for Michele's challenge!  Another sketch!  I love sketches!  The paper is mostly MME Good Day Sunshine with a teensy bit of bazzill and a playing card from Alphabet Soup, some stickles and some glossy accents on the cherry!  

Off to make more! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Challenge for OWH.....done!

These are for the OWH Blog Hop.  The first challenge was a sketch, having one embossed solid, two different patterned papers and ribbon, twine or trim of some kind.  these are what i came up with!  The first one has embossing on the green piece, the second has embossing on the brown background.  The 3rd and 4th....the sentiment is embossed.  

{BYSHC} Sketch 55 - Christmas Joy

  {BYSHC} Sketch 55 is in full swing! You have until the end of the month to enter a card (or two) for a chance to be the winner of a gift ...