Friday, February 22, 2013

Fur-baby Love!

The month of February is so full of love!  Many of my family members have birthday's (including your's truly) and the BIG love day.....Valentine's Day!  Our project this month was to show love to our fur-babies.  Our fur baby, Blue, came to us as a Christmas gift and at the age of 6 months old.  Friends of ours knew we were looking for a family pet and had to let this beautiful boy go because of space.  They sent me these pictures that they had taken of him as a baby before we got him.  The one of him in the grass shows his personality perfectly!!  He is a mixed breed.......1/2 Australian Shepard and 1/2 Catahoula Leopard Dog.  "Cata-what" you say!  That was my reaction as well.  Both breeds are herding breeds and the Catahoula, I came to find out after much research, is the state dog of Louisiana and a hunting dog.  Mine on the other hand, only hunts for crumbs and snacks!!! 

I wanted to try out a new technique I read about in the most recent month's scrapbook magazine that's called "stamp kissing."  Step one gather your stamps and ink.  You will need a background stamp (or two), a solid stamp (any shape or size just so it's a solid surface) and inks.  Step two, ink the background stamp.  Step three, take the inked background stamp and stamp it onto the solid stamp.  Step four, stamp the inked solid stamp onto the page.  Repeat as necessary!  A couple things I found out during the do need to clean the solid stamp after at least 2 inkings, be sure the stamp is dry before stamping again and try not to "rock" either the background stamp on the solid or the solid on the paper, it will smudge and blur the image.

This is what it looks like when the page is covered.

Next I wanted to add more texture and dimension so i took some circles of the patterned paper, roughed them up with a nail file (step 1) and then crumpled them into a ball (step 2), flattened them out and layered them (steps 3 and 4). 

Put a brad in the center and viola flower!

I added some twine and a banner, cut my title inked some edges and there you go!  

I love my boy, even though he's in the 60 pound range and thinks he is a lap dog!!  

CC Product used:  Carta Bella Traditions cardstock and stickers, MM Flutter Stamp, Jillibean Soup Twine (turquoise, green and red), BG Nordic Holiday brads, Slice machine and Paws and Claws cart

Non CC: SU mustard ink, SU Simply circles stamp, studio 112 Clear mini stamp.

{BYSHC} Sketch 55 - Christmas Joy

  {BYSHC} Sketch 55 is in full swing! You have until the end of the month to enter a card (or two) for a chance to be the winner of a gift ...