Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy NSD (National Scrapbooking Day)!

But if you are really cool, you celebrate for the whole weekend!!  Head over to for some NSD contests and challenges!!  Although, sadly, has announced that they will be closing the retail side of the site, the social side is going strong!  At the top right, click on community, then go down to contests.  There are 8 separate NSD Challenges with instructions.  Each with it's own prize!  Enter as many (or as few) as you like, but be sure to enter!!  The challenges are open until 8am MST on May 10th.  Get busy crafting and you could win a scrappy prize!!

{BYSHC} Sketch 55 - Christmas Joy

  {BYSHC} Sketch 55 is in full swing! You have until the end of the month to enter a card (or two) for a chance to be the winner of a gift ...