Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year -- New Design Team Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to the DT Blog Hop!  If you have happened to stop by and wanted to start at the beginning, go to Amber's blog here  This blog hop will introduce each DT member!  So sit back and enjoy the ride!!

My name is Jenni Shamblin.  This is my second term on the DT.  My first 6 months was so much fun that I couldn't wait to try out again.

During the blog hop, you will find out 5 fun facts about each of the DT members.....things you may not have know (and things you may not WANT to know)!!  My 5 fun facts are:

1.  I am a closet boy band freak!  It started way back in my early days....watching the Monkees on tv.  OOO that Davey Jones!  Then I moved onto Duran Duran and New Edition (anyone remember them?).  Then as I matured (LOL) I moved onto obsess about N*Sync and eventually succumbed to the Back Street Boys.  I am embarrassed to say that One Direction is now on my ipod! 

2.   Our High School band flew from Michigan to Florida to march in the Orange Bowl Parade. It was my first time on a plane! We were on tv for about 30 seconds.   In the band were 12 sets if siblings.....of which my brother and I were one!  We marched at Disney's Epcot and also at The Magic Kingdom before taking a bus to Miami for the Orange Bowl parade.

3.  My first car was a '76 AMC Gremlin.  It was green with gold pinstriping.  Everyone called it the "green machine".  It was so rusted out the fenders were almost completely gone!  The heater didn't work and if you have ever lived in a cold climate, in the middle of January the heater is VERY important!  I used to drive to school and work with a blanket on my lap!

4.  I like un-sweet iced tea.  Try living in the south and NOT drink sweet tea!  A lot of places do now offer both sweet and un-sweet!  My Florida friends call it "Northern Tea!"

5.  I LOVE SUSHI!  I could literally eat it every day if given the opportunity!  Not the weird stuff like squid or eel, but regular stuff like tuna and salmon, shrimp tempura......yum!

We were asked to submit two different projects to be considered for the DT.  
First something that is out of the box.....something out of our normal comfort zone.  I'm not a huge mini-album maker, but I did create this one for an October Photo-a-day group I am in.  I do really love how it turned out!

Second project was to be something that reflected me as a crafter.  Well this was really and entry for both.....out of the box and reflects me as a crafter!  It shows a different type of craft I do for each letter.  I sew, cross-stitch, paper craft and crochet.  I have been a crafter since as far back as I remember.  My mother took me to a needlepoint class when I was little.  We made a couple small plastic squares.  My grandmother still had hers in her jewelry box when they went to find jewelry for her when she passed away this past February.  

Hope you enjoyed my little part in the Blog Hop, now you move on to the next super talented lady here Kathy -

Please leave me some love and follow me if you don't already!!  Enjoy the rest of the hop!


  1. Boy bands...ahahaha! You forgot New Kids on the Block!! Great projects, looking forward to working with you this term Jenni!

    1. NKOTB never did i for me! I didnt join the Backstreet Boys bandwagon until they were on their last cd!

  2. you know me, I'm an Arkansan & I cannot stand Southern Sweet Tea.... may as well drink straight suger water! I usually go un-sweet but on occasion I'll ass a dash of sweetened to it just for something different. I'm a follower!

    1. Hot tea needs cream and sugar, but iced......norhin but tea and ice! thanks Paula!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great projects Jenni!! Looking forward to this term! We do have some FUN!!

  5. Love sushi, too! But we eat so much of it, and with the price of it, we make it now!

    /great projects!

  6. Love your CREATE project!

  7. Green gremlin and no heat!! I had a Renault peugot with no heat a a push button stick shift caled the pee mobile! We had blankets for me and my guests!

    Love your projects and congrats on the DT!!

  8. Nice getting to know you Jenni! Your "Create" project rocks!

  9. OK i feel compelled to share too!

    #1 - I will admit to liking DD when I was in HS BUT I would not have labeled them a "boy band"!

    #2 - My HS band marched in the Orange Bowl too! Of course I went to school in FL...

    #3 - My first car was a VW Superbeetle (I loved that car). Except it had no AC and I lived in Ft. Lauderdale!!! EEP!! SO I totally relate to you not having a heater.

    #4 - I order unsweet tea and I live in GA! At least in S FL most places offer both. Not so in Atlanta!

    #5 - SUSHI!!! Yum, but EXPENSIVE for a family of 6!

    I'd love to have a closer look at your mini, the photo a day is a great idea but I am so NOT a creature of habit I don't know how far I would get through the month before I'd start forgetting to take pics! And of course i love the wall art!

    1. Thanks Caryn! Lots of sushi and unsweet tea lovers!

  10. Your mini album looks gorgeous and I love your "Create" project.

  11. Back in the day Davy Jones was my favorite Monkee too! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. We'll have to have Sushi and unsweetened tea sometime, they're my favorite too.

  12. Great projects, Jenni! And hey, I grew up watching the Monkees, too! What fun! Man, I'd eat sushi every day, too (even the weird stuff - I'm just not a big fan of the sea urchin), if I could afford it! Thanks for sharing and look forward to being on the DT with you for another term! :)

  13. I've never been a boy band fan, but I did drive from Red Deer to Calgary in an old Shelby Mustang with no heat in the middle of an Alberta winter. Cute projects! Did you actually do a photo a day?

    1. Yes. October, November, December and now for January! I will confess, the October mini isn't full but the pix were all taken! Alberta winter with no heat? you are a tougher girl than me! I was in southern Michigan!

  14. Love your CREATE project! I am with you on the iced tea, I live in VA and always have to ask for it unsweetened!

    1. We vacationed in NV over the summet and out of habit i asked for unsweet cousin looked at me and said this isnt the south, we dont have sweet tea!

    2. We DO have sweet tea here in's the default given at McDonald's and a few other chain restaurants (like Raising Cane's). Even though...when you ask for sweet tea (hubby loves the stuff) at Mickey D's, it still comes up as regular tea on the receipt because they don't have it programmed into their system for whatever reason. =D

  15. Such a neat way to show yourself as a crafter. I honestly don't know how I'd do that since I'm more or less a 'whenever the mood strikes me I do whatever comes to mind' type of crafter and have had my hand in just about everything! Adorable projects!

  16. Hahaha! Jenni that first one is embarassing!! ;)

    Love your projects! That sign is amazing!

  17. Love your projects. I am really enjoying getting to know everyone. Boy Bands just show you are still young at heart.

  18. Great projects, Jenni! I liked Davey, but actually Mickey was my fave. My 1st car was a 1949 Chevy-with a working heater. I am trying to keep up with The photo a day group, but am a few days behind. I'm impressed that you made a mini with the pics :)

  19. Ah, boy bands. Gotta love them. :-) My mom told me a couple of weeks ago that it was bad that I still know all the words to all the *N Sync, BSB, 98 Degrees, etc that I used to listen to in middle school through high school. They're still my guilty pleasure music. :-)

  20. Sushi! Love, love it and can eat it every day too! We'll have to get together some day for some Kappa Maki (ha ha, like I know what that is!!) Great projects too!

  21. What wonderful projects...just luv the 'create'!

  22. Love the cover of that mini. I want to see more of it!

    1. I'll have to finish it!! LOL I think I did the first page or two! The pictures were taken, but when I made it originally the "pic a day" thing had just started.....I think I had only taken like 4 pictures! I'll get to work on it! :o)

  23. Yeah a fellow band geek. Your photo a day project is a great idea. I'm doing a photo a day group this month although, ahem I have slacked this week.... Might have to try one myself with my pictures.

    1. i may have decided to NOT make an album for the other months......that's a lot of work!! But possibly a two page lo with all the pic in a grid just smaller.....haven't made it that far on that yet! LOL YAY Band Geeks UNITE!! :o)

  24. Great Projects....I love One direction too :) Also When I was a sophomore in High School my High School Band marched at the Orange Bowl Parade too we wore our bathing suits under our uniforms and ended up a the water-park which was opened only for the bands we won first place in the parade in our division. We got to practice our halftime show on the football field where the Bowl was being played to. We also went to Disney and Sea world.

  25. Duran Duran! Wow, no heat in Michigan, I'm in Ohio and that would be tough. I love the mini album. I've never made one, but always think about trying.

  26. Love the mini album! So cute! gwsharkcpa

  27. Love the projects, and enjoyed your fun facts! I, too, am now a southern gal who takes her tea without sugar. (I also prefer hot tea to iced, even in the summer - must be my northern upbringing!)

  28. Great projects, loved the mini. I loved your fun facts especially the car

  29. Love your mini album and I am really enjoying the fun facts. I couldn't imagine no heat in the winter being an Ohio girl I can identify with that!

    1. Looking forward to working together on the DT.

  30. GREAT fun facts! Love the CREATE project!

  31. Love both projects, but that boy band thing SCARES ME! lol Nothing else really phased me. :) Enjoy your next stint on the CC DT!! :D

  32. You crack me up!! Can't wait to see the mini! And I love that "create" sign!

  33. great projects! :) so glad to have you on my team!

  34. Love your projects especially the mini. Congrats on being selected for the DT.

  35. The create sign is a great idea. I may just have to make something like that to spruce up my scrappy room.

  36. Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments!!

  37. Hello!! I'm a sweet tea drinker myself but I love sushi, too :) Glad to be next to you on the team :)


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