Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reflections of {ME}!

December’s DT assignment was to make a project inspired by me.  I don’t honestly think I’ve ever done a page just about me.  I’m usually the one taking the pictures, not the subject!  My 40th birthday, my husband had a party.  Although it wasn't a big party with balloons and streamers, it did have people I love and who love me.  My gift from him was a “day at the spa.”  This layout highlights that day, that WAS all about ME!  After my day of pampering, we went to a fancy dinner at Shula's!

I started out with the Carta Bella Beautiful Moments paper, I fussy cut the roses from one of the corners. 

Next I used a technique I learned at a crop in February, to use the Bazzill Basics jewel templates and their jewels (in clear) to create a beautiful accent to the page.  The template can be stuck to the page, I used repositionable hermafix so that I could easily remove the template AND the adhesive when I was finished.  The holes are different sizes for the two different sizes of gems which are also adhesive.  Place the appropriate size stone in the appropriate sized hole and remove the template.

I used two of the MM Butterflies to create a 3D embellishment also.  Several pop dots later and more gems, it’s perfect!

Adding things as I go along, the journaling block needed something extra.  I used some wired ribbon, folded it up and since it was wired, it easily stayed in place so I could glue it down.

The finished product is beautiful!  I love the way it turned out!  Very girly, very feminine, and ALL ABOUT ME!  

Turning 40 was supposed to be a traumatic and frightening thing, but to me it was just another day in paradise with my loving family and friends! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


When I sat down to think about this month’s project, something that I am thankful for, of course the obvious comes to mind. Family, health, friends, happiness, but we were asked to create a project for something else we are thankful for. While thinking about all the different things I could create or how I would create something, it hit me.......I am thankful for my creativity! Without the creativity, there would be no DT, there would be no scrapbooking, there would be no crafting at all! When I have given a gift of a hand crafted item, all the way from the age of 7, a common response is “oh I wish I knew how to do that!”

My project is a wall art piece that is going into the craft room above my window so that everytime I go in there, I will be inspired to “CREATE” something meaningful and special!

I started out with some chipboard, which just happened to be the backing boards to some used up note paper pads that I found at work. Cut the letters on my Cricut using the San Serif font at 4 1/2 inches. I then cut the paper, same font and size. Glued the paper to the chipboard using the Tombo Liquid Glue and then let it sit for at least 24 hours, under something heavy (to keep it from bowing), to dry. Once dry, I inked the edges using TH Distress Ink and then started the elements for each letter.

Since the R was going to be covered in a sewing pattern and not patterned paper, I worked on that one give it time to dry. I found an old sewing pattern in my sewing box, found a piece that had some distinctive markings and glued it on! I also used the Tombo Liquid Glue for this as I didn’t have any modge podge on hand. Worked well, a little more shiny than I would have liked, but did the job just the same. After that I took a piece of the patterned paper and cut a strip about an inch wide. Folded it in half, and “fringed” it. I then rolled the strip of paper into a flower shape and used a glue dot to adhere it to the letter. Fanned it out a bit, inked the edges a bit and viola a flower! I found that idea in CK magazine. Used a puffy brad like a pin cushion and stuck in two sewing needles as pins.

Next moved onto the counted cross-stitch. I have cross-stitched since I was a kid. Started out with needlepoint, advanced onto crewel and counted cross-stitch. As you can see, I have accumulated A LOT of floss over the years! I found a pattern that would fit online, printed it off, gathered my colors and needle and sat down. This was a unique part of the project because as I sat down to get started, my son wanted to see what I was doing. He insisted that I show him how to do it. So here he is helping with my cross-stitch. The next time we went to the craft store, he asked if we could get him his own cross-stitch kit so he could make his own! We did and he’s gotten started on it! Another part of being thankful for this gift is being able to teach it to others!

So I moved from one letter to the next. The buttons on the C, I arranged by size and color until I was happy with the variation and started adding the string (which happens to be cross-stitch floss) and glue dots! The R was done, the E just needed me to cut the cross-stitch to size, I peeled some of the strings off to fringe it a bit, inked the edges and stuck it on. I added some flowers and some pearls to give it some extra umph! The A I knew what I wanted to to do, the scissors, but after I put them on, it needed something extra. Sat and looked at it for at least an hour, then it just hit me......a banner!! I took some scraps of the patterned paper, found some brads and just stuck it on! It was the perfect addition! For the T, it was either going to be a tiny scarf or the flowers, and the flowers won! I also added one of DeeDee’s butterflies because I love them so much and a BG bloomer I had on hand. The last E was also part of my Pinterest challenge. I found the tutorial for the folded/oragami dress and wanted to make it, make a TON of them! So after trial and error with sizes, this was the winning one. I added liquid pearls along the bottom and bodice to dress it up a bit.

The frame I got from Joann’s. Here’s a great story......couldn’t find a frame to fit, asked the frame guy about getting a custom made frame and it would have been too much. Then he said, “ let me check in the back, we have frames that people get made, then they decide they don’t want them.....then we either try to sell them or get rid of them.” This frame, dark brown wood grain, was in the back, waiting to get pitched! Perfect size, perfect color! CHEAP! He added the foam board which I covered in brown felt and there you have it!

As soon as my hubby can get the hangers on the back and nails in the wall, it’s going up!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

October DT Challenge - Candy Inspired Treat Bucket

When I was a kid, my brother and I would empty our trick-or-treat sacks after returning home on Halloween, we'd divide up our candy into a "keep" pile, into a "give to mom" pile and a "trade" pile.  The stuff that went to mom and dad were things we just didn't like....those black and orange wax paper wrapped peanut butter things.....and the candy corn (no offense to those who love those)!  We'd trade each other for things we each liked.  I'd trade him my grape and orange tootsie roll pops for the chocolate and raspberry ones.  

When I found out the next DT project was based on my favorite candy, I had a hard time trying to decide which was actually my FAVORITE.  There are so MANY favorites!!  Snickers, Sour Patch kids, dark chocolate ANYTHING!  Then there is the Christmas know the ones that seem to surface ONLY during the holidays.....chocolate covered cherries, Ferrero Rocher, but I've gone off track.

What is better than FAVORITE candy?  ALL THE CANDY!!  A treat bucket to hold ALL of my favorites is what I chose to make!

Started with a plain, silver metal beverage bucket that I purchased at a local craft store. 

I spray painted it black, which in the Florida heat and humidity took quite a while to dry enough to move on the the next step.

I cut the letters from Cricut Plantain Schoolbook cart at 2 1/4"  I used the black and white sticky vinyl stuff we all got in HC quite a while back.  I had no idea what it was or who the manufacturer is, but Jon we need more of this stuff!  It worked great!

Cut multiple different types, colors, textures of ribbon.  They ranged from 6-7" in length and were just tied onto the handles.

Then Anna and I made the pumpkin patch!  I had just recently seen a picture of something similar in CK magazine and knew it would be perfect.  The buttons are from the FP Oct 31 collection and the green ribbon I think is Giggle Kids Boy Trims, but I'm not certain. (pix 4)

Glue dot on the top of the button, fold over the ribbon to look like a stem and viola!  Instant pumpkin patch. 

Glue everything on and your done!  Painting the bucket and waiting for it to dry was the longest part of the process!

Don't forget to fill it with your favorites!!

CC product:  FP Oct 31 buttons and trims, MM cheeky trims, BG ribbon, Giggle Kids Boy Trims, MM Toil and Trouble trims

Non CC product:  tin bucket, black spray paint, random other ribbons.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog Winner!!

Ok, the moment you've all been waiting for!!  Well, ok, maybe not, but here is the super secret way we picked the winner!  My lovely assistant and I took all the names who posted an entry on Mr. Linky, placed them into a bowl and drew a name!


Thanks everyone for linking up your beautiful cards!  I know the troops will truly enjoy and be so happy with the results!!

Ruth, send me a message either on or by email and we'll get your prize going!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

OWH - 4th Challenge (Julie)

The sketch for this challenge was great! very versatile, could be turned several ways!  Wish I had more time to make more.  Will keep this sketch for more at another time!

Off to the next blog!  

OWH - 3rd Blog (Brenna)

For this blog's challenge the requirement was subtle dimension......I used a few brads, some ribbon and some embossing powder.  Wish I had more time to make more of these!!

Next! :o)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

OWH - 2nd challenge (Michele)

Hello again!!  Here are some cards I made for Michele's challenge!  Another sketch!  I love sketches!  The paper is mostly MME Good Day Sunshine with a teensy bit of bazzill and a playing card from Alphabet Soup, some stickles and some glossy accents on the cherry!  

Off to make more! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Challenge for OWH.....done!

These are for the OWH Blog Hop.  The first challenge was a sketch, having one embossed solid, two different patterned papers and ribbon, twine or trim of some kind.  these are what i came up with!  The first one has embossing on the green piece, the second has embossing on the brown background.  The 3rd and 4th....the sentiment is embossed.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

OWH Blog Hop! Welcome

Welcome to the CropChocolate OWH (Operation Write Home) Blog Hop!  If you've landed here, welcome to the fun!  If you'd like to start at the beginning, please head to my good friend Amber's blog (

Operation Write Home is an awesome organization that provides handmade cards to the troops all over the world for them to write back home to their families.  There are many guidelines that OWH requires and requests of the cards they receive and ultimately send out, some of the guidelines will be listed below, or you can visit their website directly at for further information and to order a OWH stamp for the back of your cards.

What I've chosen as my challenge is something I'm hoping everyone can participate in and the cards turn out flat enough to send to OWH but they still have dimension.  Create a card using a stamp and a punch. It can be like this card of mine where you stamp the image, then punch it out:

or it can be like this one and have a stamped image with a border punch:

or it can be like this one that has a stamped image and punches everywhere else:

or it can be anything you can come up with that has a stamped image and a punch!

Have fun with it but please remember NO GLITTER! We do not want to endanger our troops with glitter that gets everywhere (we all know about the glitter mess, right??). A little dimension is ok, stickles are ok, just no loose glitter please!

Also they ask for A2 (4.25" x 5.5") sized cards, use good quality supplies.  Don't forget these cards are going to be mailed to our troops overseas, to write letters home to their families. They need to be of good quality cardstock and have adequate strong glue.  Some dimension is ok, but no BIG buttons or deep 3D embellies.  

Lastly, this one seemed important to me, just as important as the NO GLITTER thing is no handwritten sentiments, please.  Some of these cards are going to wives and girlfriends that this is their only communication with their loved ones and to see another woman's handwriting on the outside or inside may be a teensy bit disheartening.  

There will be a prize given away after all is said and done.  The very random name from a "stick the names in a hat" drawing!  Now if you've read all the way down here, good for you because this is where you'll find the final blog to visit, my good friend Chris (!!

Leave me some love, create away and post your card using the linky thingy!! :o)   Don't forget at least 50% CC product and NO GLITTER! :o)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pencil Shaker Box

 Our September DT assignment was 3D.  I've always wanted to make a shaker box and....this was the perfect opportunity to learn!

Started with 2 clip art images (one for the top, one for the bottom) that I trimmed.  Used some craft foam the kids had laying around and cut strips to make the height for the box part.

I measured and trimmed the opening in the top with an exacto knife.....word of caution, if you are not familiar with an exacto knife, please be careful!  I was not all that familiar with one and almost had an issue!  Just take your time and cut slowly!

once all the glue on the foam dries (I used liquid glue and let it set up overnight with a little bit of weight on top to secure it), fill it with whatever you are filling it with....I used seed beads.  Glue the "window" on and again I let it dry overnight to be sure it was good and stuck down.

and VIOLA!  The finished page with the shakerbox.  It's not as hard as it looks, you should give it a try!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mosaic it is!

Our next DT Challenge.....MOSAIC! I always think of "tiles" when I hear mosaic, so I went with that! Enjoy!

First came the paper choice, the cutting and the distressing. The squares were cut on my Cricut at 1/2".

Ready to put on the page!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Banners Away!

Welcome to the Design Team Blog Hop! If you've come to my blog by chance, HELLO! To start the entire show over, go visit my friend Amber's blog Be sure to comment on each for a chance to win a great prize from! Don't be shy....comment away and while you are at it, why not follow some (or all)!!

We were charged with coming up with a banner project to wow the socks off of you and I hope mine does just that. I love how it turned out! I've never thought about a banner on a page, but they are quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in scrapbooking these days, so it was about darn time I jumped on that bandwagon!

The first thing I usually do is dig through my paper and figure out which to use. I start by looking at the pictures I'll be working with, grab several packs of paper and lay them all out. Step back and give the "yay" or "nay." I also try to think of what other stuff I have that will go with it......buttons, brads, twine, ribbon, shapes, accent colors, etc.

Once I've picked just the right paper and embellishments, I start to work on the layout. Lately I've been grabbing a sketch I like and working with it to make it fit. The sketch I used was found on Pinterest (my other addiction) and it comes from pagemaps. The thing with sketches is that it's a guide. You can follow it to a tee, or use emelemts from it, rotate photos as needed, change patterns, sizes, it's all up to's not written in stone!

The paper I chose is My Minds Eye (MME) Good Day Sunshine Girl paper, some bazzill, some twine and some buttons I had on hand. The title is stamped with some Lisa Bearnson stamps I received EONS ago, but just re-discovered. I had found this poem quite a while ago, not sure where so I apologize I am unable to give credit for it.

The flower banner was cut using the Slice Spring card. They were cut at 1". Having never done a banner before I was a little befuddled as to how to actually attach them to the twine. So I wrapped the twine around the post of the brad, secured it to the page, pulled the twine to the other side and placed it in the approximate "swag" I wanted, then attached the other side. I adhered the buttons to the flowers, used ZOTS to stick the whole kit and caboodle down right on top of the twine. The adhesive on the flowers, held the twine in place while holding the flowers in place! Genious!

Stamped my title, printed my poem on cardstock and secured it all down. One last plug I need to make is to my friend Dee Dee at for the beautiful butterflies I used! Love them!

Hoping you liked my project, leave a comment if you did.....oh, heck, leave a comment anyway! :o)

Next I send you to my fellow DT member Michele

don't forget to check out for great deals on scrappy goodness!

Anyway, thanks for the visit, ya'll come back now ya hear??

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ombre'.....who knew?!?

So our first DT assignment was "ombre." HUH?? WHA??? I won't lie, I had to look it up! So I decided to spray my way to success! LOL

Finished Project (above)

"bling" element!

sprayed some VERY red felt letters to make them the right color for my layout

my angel friends.....Tuscan Sun, Tattered Leather and Brick

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another For Those Left Behind Blog Hop Challenge entry!

This is for challenge #9 (I think that's the right number), needed to include a pinwheel. I used BG Sugar Rush paper and brad, the stamp is SU. Thanks!! :o)

For Those Left Behind Blog Hop Challenge entries!

This card is for challenge #1, #2 and #6. Spring, 30 minutes and journaling block! The paper line is EP Springtime, I used some MM flowers I received in a hot chocolate and some stickles which are non-cc. Thanks for the challenge!

{BYSHC} Sketch 55 - Christmas Joy

  {BYSHC} Sketch 55 is in full swing! You have until the end of the month to enter a card (or two) for a chance to be the winner of a gift ...