Monday, April 20, 2015

Monochrome Monday!

Hello again and welcome to this installment of Monochrome Monday at Timeless Twine!  

With Spring fully upon us here in Florida and having just spent some time at the U-Pick strawberry fields with my kids, I thought this was the perfect choice!!

The stamp is from Unity Stamp Co., the paper is a very old pack that I have had tucked away!  It's by TLC.  The watermelon sorbet twine was perfect for these cute strawberries!!  The sequins are brand spankin new and don't even have a name yet!!  That's how new they are!!  Stay tuned for the name and link!  I'm sure you'll want to get some!  

I used a sketch from My Favorite Things for this as well.  They have a new sketch each week, although this one is a few weeks old, I use their sketches for reference quite often!

So remember to check out Bella Creationz and Timeless Twine for all sorts of crafty goodness!!  

1 comment:

I've done it again! Published for the 8th time!

 I feel so blessed that this is actually a reality for me! I've been published for the 8th time (7 editions in a row) and I couldn't...